We are excited to introduce Deep Tissue Salve by NaCHer Apothecary to all of our clients. This products has a high potency and has all certification in cleanliness. Meaning that it is free of THC, free of pesticides, free of chemical and heavy metals.
The products contains other beneficial ingredients tha have properties that will help alleviate pain such as:
*Coconut Oil
*Bees Wax
*Sunflower Oil
Arnica Infusion (Arnica, *Olive Oil)
*Eucalyptus Oil
*Lavender Oil
*Menthol Crystals
*Peppermint Oil
Low Temperature Distillation Hemp Extract (CBD)
Vitamin E
*Certified Organic Ingredient
This is an awesome line up which contains lots of quality ingredients to help you. We also will be offering this during our bodywork sessions. The Deep Tissue Salve is available at our office or on our website.